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OM News # 94 - Delivered to 41492 subscribers

ISSN 1668-4877   December 15, 2004

Dear subscriber: Year 2004 is coming to an end. Will it be possible to find some Peace in the New Year? That is exactly what we wish everyone.
In this issue, good news for you and very useful vocabulary and expressions. If you like our portal, please RATE US by CLICKING HERE. See you again on January 1st in our first 2005 issue.
Estimado Suscriptor: Finaliza el año 2004. ¿Podremos encontrar algo de Paz en el Nuevo Año? Exactamente eso es lo que deseamos para todos.
En esta entrega, buenas noticias para ti y vocabulario y expresiones específicas muy útiles. Si te agrada nuestro portal, por favor CALIFICANOS PULSANDO AQUI. Nos vemos el 1° de Enero con la primer entrega del 2005.


4GN - Four Good News
News for our subscribers

Money & Finances
Using specific vocabulary
and expressions

OM Lucky
Special prizes and gifts
on December 20 !!

OM Shopping
Our special offer Christmas 2004

¿REGALOS UTILES DE FIN DE AÑO? En Diciembre, comprando juntos los CDs 1+2, obtendrás un FANTASTICO REGALO!! Pulsa en Santa Claus, al final del boletín...

1. Maybe starting from Wednesday 22 you will stop using passwords. Using your own subscriber e-mail will allow you to visit the whole portal with more comfort.
2. You know we really love fun and music and OM Personal is edutainment oriented. That is why we are developing the new OM BROADWAY section opening on January 1st.
3. During January 2005 we will install the international payment by credit card.
4. Just for all those who still do not trust (and drive us mad), we state here: OM PERSONAL IS AND WILL STAY F-R-E-E for a loooong time
1. Probablemente a partir del MIERCOLES 22 ya no utilizarás contraseñas sino el mismo e-mail con el cual te has suscripto. Podrás recorrer todo el portal sin molestias ni incomodidades.
2. Ya sabes que nos gusta la diversión y la música y que OM Personal está orientado a la educación con entretenimiento. Justamente por ese motivo estamos desarrollando la nueva sección OM BROADWAY a estrenarse el 1° de Enero.
3. Durante Enero 2005 inauguraremos el pago internacional con tarjeta de crédito.
4. Sólo para los desconfiados y desconfiadas (que cada tanto nos hacen enojar), aclaramos aquí: OM PERSONAL ES Y CONTINUARÁ SIENDO G-R-A-T-U-I-T-O por muuuucho tiempo más!!!

BANKING, PURCHASES AND PUBLIC FINANCE. When you buy something in a store, you may be asked: How do you want to pay? You can answer: Cash. / Check. / With a credit card. But that is not enough. This interesting article will help you manage the specific vocabulary for money and finances. Pay attention to words used...
BANCA, COMPRAS Y FINANZAS PUBLICAS. Cuando pagas algo en una tienda, suelen preguntarte: ¿Cómo va a pagar? Puedes responder: En efectivo. / Con cheque. / Con tarjeta de crédito. Sin embargo, con eso no es suficiente. Este interesante artículo te ayudará a manejar el vocabulario específico del dinero y las finanzas. Presta atención a los vocablos...

In a bank you usually have a checking account. You make deposits (put money in) and withdrawals (take money out). You write checks on the account to pay bills. You may also have a savings account, which usually pays you interest -money paid for keeping your savings there. The bank sends you a regular bank statement showing the activity in your account. If you take out more money from an account than you have in it (usually by writing checks), your account is overdrawn, a situation to be avoided! If you write a check but your account has insufficient funds to cover it, the check may bounce (colloquial use); that is, the bank refuses payment. Banks also offer certificates of deposit (CDs), which pay you higher interest rates than savings accounts. However, money can't be withdrawn from a CD for a specified time without a penalty, a fee charged for early withdrawals.

Sometimes the bank may lend you money -this is called a bank loan. If a bank (or a savings & loan institution) lends you money to buy a home, it is called a mortgage. You pay back the amount of the loan - the principal - with interest. Banks have higher interest rates for borrowers than for savers.

When you use a credit card to make purchases, you receive a monthly statement from the credit card company. The billing date is the date the statement was prepared, the balance is the amount you owe, and the due date is the date by which you must pay. However, you can pay a part of the balance and owe the rest (minimum payment), but you'll incur a finance charge, which is usually rather high.

Money that you pay for services (e.g., to a lawyer) is usually called a fee or fees. Money paid for student courses (e.g., at a university) is called tuition or tuition fees; other costs paid by students are called fees (e.g., registration/laboratory fee). Money paid for a trip is a fare.

National and local governments collect money from residents through taxes. Income tax is collected on wages and salaries. Inheritance tax is collected on what people inherit from others upon death. Customs duties or excise duties are paid on certain goods imported from other countries. Sales tax is a percentage of the price of goods and services, added to the total cost. Value added tax (VAT) (found in the U.K. and other countries, but not in the U.S.) is a tax based on value, added to a product at each stage of production. Companies pay corporate taxes on their profits.

Every country has its own currency. The rates of exchange are published daily, and you can check, for example, how many yen there are currently to the dollar.

GLOSSARY:  bank: banco; checking account: cuenta corriente; make deposits: depositar, hacer depósitos; withdrawal / uizdróual /: retiro, extracción de dinero; write checks: extender cheques; pay bills: pagar facturas, cuentas de gastos; savings account: caja de ahorros; interest: interés, renta; bank statement: extracto, resumen de cuenta bancario; overdrawn: sobregirada, girada en exceso, en rojo, en descubierto; insufficient funds: fondos insuficientes, sin fondos; bounce / báuns /: rebotar, ser rechazado; CDs = certificate of deposit: certificado de depósito a plazo fijo; penalty: penalidad, multa, cargo extra; lend / borrow: prestar / pedir prestado; bank loan: préstamo bancario; mortgage / mórt-guéish /: hipoteca, costo hipotecario; principal  / príncipal /: capital; interest rates: tasas de interés; credit card: tarjeta de crédito; monthly statement: resumen de gastos; billing date: fecha de facturación; balance  / bálans l: saldo; due date: fecha de vencimiento; minimum payment: pago mínimo; finance charge: cargo financiero; fee / fees: honorario / honorarios; tuition / tuíshn /: enseñanza; tuition fees: aranceles por enseñanza; fees: pago por suscripción; fare: tarifa de transporte; taxes: impuestos; income tax: impuesto a la renta; wages: salarios; salaries: sueldos; inheritance tax: impuesto a la herencia; custom duties = excise duties: derechos de aduana, cargos aduaneros; sales tax: impuesto a las ventas; VAT = Value Added Tax: impuesto al valor agregado (IVA, en Argentina); corporate taxes: impuestos corporativos, empresarios; currency: moneda (de un país); rates of exchange = exchange rates: tasas de cambio.

ATTENTION: We will use the article and glossary above as a basis for our OM LUCKY draw on January 20, 2005. So please, STUDY all the specific vocabulary involved.
ATENCION: El artículo y glosario previos serán utilizados como base para nuestro sorteo de OM LUCKY del 20 de Enero de 2005. Por lo tanto, por favor ESTUDIA todo el vocabulario específico.

free draws & prizes

On next December 20 we are giving away over 30,000 gifts to all our subscribers. On the same day, 13 SPECIAL PRIZES will honor our subscribers' faithfulness. Every subscriber will be able to download his/her gift and/or special prize with a password sent by email. Click on the image to check out prizes and names!!
El próximo 20 de Diciembre entregaremos más de 30.000 regalos a todos nuestros suscriptores. El mismo día, honraremos con 13 PREMIOS ESPECIALES la fidelidad de nuestros suscriptores. Todos podrán descargar sus regalos y/o premios especiales con una contraseña que enviaremos por email. Pulsa en la imagen para conocer premios y nombres!!

om shopping


next update: january 1, 2005

OM NEWS es una publicación quincenal de distribución gratuita perteneciente al portal OM Personal Multimedia English www.ompersonal.com.ar. Responsable: Orlando Moure, Borges 2485, Piso 12, Dto. A, CP C1425FFI, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, República Argentina.